Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The Pros and Cons of being the wife of a City Manager:

1. Income/Benefits (duh).
2. My husband having an awesome reason to get up in the morning.
3. Getting to tell people that my husband is a City Manager (I really like this one).
4. I will get to know people and have lots of connections.
5. Seeing my husband thoroughly enjoy his work and love what he is doing in life (I really, really like this one!).

1. My husband is no longer at my disposal.
2. Long hours (so far they have averaged at least 10-12 hours).
3. When he says he'll be done at 6pm, it means I won't see him until almost 7pm. (It is currently a 45 min. commute).
4. Being coerced into doing things like making quilts for the Centennial Celebration, and so on.
5. Having to remember the names of all of these people that I meet, and be diplomatic in speech (even online....we might have to go private). For the people that know me well, this might be a stretch for me, personally.

I still think the pros win over the cons! And, most of the cons will be eliminated as soon as Scott gets his feet wet, and as soon as we relocate to Hermiston. All in all, I think it was a successful 1st week on the job, and we are both looking forward to all that lies ahead.


janae said...

Yeah, my husband was impressed when I told him Scott was a City Manager. :) It's really cool. I'm seriously so happy for you guys to have a job!

sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

That is a little scary!