Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week #4

So, I must confess, this probably isn't the REAL week #4. The first week consisted of signing the actual papers and addendums for the home purchase. Week two consisted of just the basic plot being staked out. So week #3 where they actually started to do stuff for our foundation is what is OUR week #1. The other 2 boring weeks don't even count in my book.

Anywho, this week a lot of the details started to come together, like a shingled roof,

some tub/shower combos,


heating/air ducts,

all of the wiring, and yes, our 4th bedroom that was MIA.

It is all starting to feel real to us, and we are super-duper excited for the day when it is complete (which we hope is sooner, rather than later).

1 comment:

janae said...

Reading your blog brings back all the emotions I had when we built our home. It is just so much fun - so much excitement and anticipation! I'm so glad you're doing these updates!