Well, our family and friends seemed to have joined this band wagon way before we did, so now we are copying everyone cooler than us! Happy to be aboard! The pictures are of Luke in the pool at our apartment complex, Easton and Luke playing with cars together on the window ledge in our apartment, Lindsey and the boys with downtown Seattle behind them, Easton and Luke representin' with daddies' hats on, and Lindsey and Scott at the Provo Temple after Brett (Scott's little brother) got married.
Scott is the City Manager in Dayton, Oregon, Lindsey is a stay-at-home mom and part-time substitue teacher. Easton is 8 and getting too smart, Luke is 6 and getting taller by the minute, Max is 4 and getting crazier by the second, and Ginny is 2 and getting cuter by the moment.