Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1 Month Old

Our sweet little Ginny in her Easter outfit.

Ginny and Max are becoming the best of friends.

One week old.

One month old.

I still can't believe that one month has already flown by, and it is even more strange that her due date was yesterday. We're sure glad that she decided to come a little early, because we love having her as a part of our family. She weighs about 6 pounds now, and looks so much bigger to us, even though she still stops people in the grocery store who are wondering how tiny she is, how early she was, and so on. We love our little Ginny girl!

Monday, April 25, 2011

We had a great Easter weekend. We went to the Stanfield spaghetti feed/easter egg hunt on Thursday night; Easton had an egg hunt at school on Friday; We went to a friend's house for a bbq/egg hunt on Saturday afternoon; And we got all dressed up and had our own egg hunt on Sunday. We just had Stake Conference on Sunday, and then my parents came down for my birthday dinner, so we waited until almost dinner time to have our own egg hunt. The boys had a lot of eggs to find, because we re-hid all the eggs that they had got at the other previous egg hunts. They had lots of fun and Max was getting really good at finding "gess" (eggs backwards I suppose). And of course, I had lots of fun dressing my little girl up in a pretty Easter dress. What a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The beginning of the rest of my life!

Tball season has officially begun! Scott is in heaven, and Easton is loving it. Surprisingly he is not the smallest one on his team, and he can hit really well off the pitch. He had 2 good grouders in his last game. It was really funny, because the coach had to come and tip Easton's helmet up so that he could actually see the ball being pitched to him. Next lesson to learn: when fielding, watch where the ball is hit, and actually try to catch it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

Each year, the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce hosts the Breakfast of Champions for the schools in the surrounding area. We got a note in Easton's backpack that he was selected by his school to recieve this award for being an all around good kid. I didn't think much of it, thinking that there would be a ton of kids, one from each classroom, and that we might watch Easton walk across the stage and recieve a piece of paper in an assembly line like high school graduation or something. I was totally wrong! They served a nice breakfast, and his classroom teacher and his principal were there waiting for us, who had nominated him to get this award. And it wasn't a ton of kids, but Easton was one of 2 kids in his whole school to get this award. His teacher said some nice words about Easton when she presented him with the award, and then he got a framed document, and took a picture with his teacher and Ronald McDonald, who was also on the scene for the ceremony. I was indeed a proud mother today!! (And I'm definitely glad that we went and didn't blow it off this morning.) p.s. I have a video of his presentation, but it isn't wanting to upload right now.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Max is 2!!!

It seems like only yesterday that we were headed to the hospital after Priesthood session to have Max. His labor was so calm, and delivery so easy. He has been such a good boy ever since. Although, he has learned how to use the favorite 2 year old word, "NO!" I love to watch him explore the world around him, and learn how to communicate with us. He loves to play outside and has recently learned how to climb on the teeter-totter by himself and push it by himself too. I always giggle to myself when I watch him do this, especially when he starts exclaiming "Wee!" He also likes to mimic anything his brothers do and follows them around all day. He also calls both of them "Lu-Cas!" He is growing so fast, and I love to watch him grow into such an awesome little boy. We love our Max!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Who is the real doll?

I think it is safe to say that Ginny won't be playing with her baby doll for quite some time.