Over the last 2-3 months, I have started to coupon again. I don't have many options here in Hermiston, but I like Safeway and RiteAid's deals. I've been able to combine coupons and rewards to get packs of diapers essentially for free, and I am saving almost 40-60% each time at the grocery store. At my last Safeway visit I was able to get:
*2 pkgs. Nature Valley Sweet and Salty bars
*1 cake mix
*3 pkgs. Safeway Applesauce cups
*6 jars 18 oz. Safeway Peanut Butter
*3 boxes Kelloggs Frosted Flakes cereal
*2 boxes Post Honey Bunches of Oats cereal
*2 boxes Ziploc Gallon size bags
All for $21.27! It was originally priced at $52.91, for a total of 60% savings. It isn't a whopping 99% savings like those on the show Extreme Couponing, but I think its a pretty good deal. I'm getting better at it, and it makes me so happy to be saving money.