Whenever I go out with the boys, I am astounded on how unoriginal people's comments and questions are towards me and the boys. No matter what they are wearing, doing, saying, etc., I get the same questions/comments wherever I go.
This is how the order of questions usually follows:
1. Are they twins? (No they are not twins! I really don't get this one, but it seems to be the favorite!) I even had one guy who has twins himself comment on how they looked like twins.
2. How far apart are they? When I say 16 months, they usually give me the look of "you are crazy, woman" or "have you no self control?!"
3. Did you plan that? Yes we planned that! Most people have to pick their jaws up off the floor when they find out it was not an accident that my kiddos are this far apart.
There you have it! I have to mentally prepare myself to not scream at these people or to comment back rudely. I usually just smile and give a faint giggle as if to let them feel like this is the first time I have ever been asked these questions and that they are in no way semi-insulting.
I love that my boys are 16 months apart. I kid you not when I say it was so hard at first, but now they constantly have a friend to play with, laugh together often, look out for one another, and my personal favorite: they take naps at the same time! Most people with 2+ kids do not get that luxury because one still takes 2 naps or the older child no longer takes naps at all. Actually, Scott informed me that he wants another 2 kids this far apart. Now who's the crazy one?!