Monday, February 16, 2009

Belly Pics!

Here is the belly shot, and probably going to be the only one. I am now about 31 weeks and still going strong! I've met all my goals for the month of February, but now I can't think of any fun milestones to meet besides just making it week by week or appointment to appointment. Being boring never felt so good.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I love them because...

Scott is just so wonderfully amazing. He's very intune with my needs as a mom, and most of the time its just the need to unwind. He takes the kids out on fun outings, plays games with them, does the grocery shopping with them, all to give me a moment of peace and rest, and to give them the attention that they crave. And when the kids aren't around, we love to just laugh and be stupid together and have endless conversations about any issue in general. He is really my best friend.

Easton, our oldest! Need I say more. He is so independent, aware of others' feelings, and a great example to his brother. He always wants to make sure everyone is taken care of, and that everyone feels loved and included. What a sweet and powerful spirit he has too, and its so apparent at his young age. He is already pretty cute about the baby too, and wants to find out if the baby will have blue eyes like him, or brown eyes like Luke.

Lucas is so care-free and fun. He has the ability like his dad to just let things slide and be happy and worry free. He is also our cuddle-bug and just can't resist the urge to come and sit next to you, or on your lap, if he is anywhere in the vicinity. I hope this will continue for years to come! He also has quite the sense of humor and keeps us laughing all day long.

Baby-boy-in-my-tummy is being quite nice to his mother right now. Much more that his brothers ever were. Maybe this one will have the abilities to remain quiet and patient, just like in-utero. We're excited to have another boy, and that he is making this time around very pleasant so far.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Record

As of Tuesday, Feb. 10, Lindsey is officially the furthest she has ever been in her 4 pregnancies without going in to preterm labor (yeah!!!). She is starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but she has as much energy as I have seen her have this far into the pregnancy. Chasing after Easton and Lucas is no small task, and it doesn't allow for a lot of down time, but Lindsey is great about relaxing when she needs to. We are very hopeful that she will go full term without incident. The combination of the progesterone shots and making a more conscious effort to stay down seems to be doing the trick. We are definitely counting our blessings at this point. It would be so nice to have normal (relatively) pregnancy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Miracles and Hurdles

This will update everyone on the progress of my pregnancy. Well, tomorrow is when I went into preterm labor with Luke. After only about 1-2 hours of mild contractions, I went to the hospital and was dilated to 2 cm. and he was in a double footling breech position. Needless to say, it was very scary stuff. It finally ended with me going home on strict bedrest (they contemplated making me stay in the hospital for the rest of my pregnancy). Well, we are to this stage again and I am doing great. I think the combo of my shots and me taking it very easy (I haven't been out much in the last month) are doing the trick and I think we might end up with a normal pregnancy for once, knock on wood!! The next hurdle I have to jump over will be getting past next monday, which is when I went into preterm labor with Easton and then on bedrest with him. I've told Scott over and over that I am prepared to do anything to not go to the hospital before the baby is ready to be born. I hate the hospital, and especially IVs. I can handle shots, medication, and even completely natural childbirth, but not the IV. It is the most uncomfortable thing in the world for me and it makes me queasy to look at the needle stuck in my arm. Am I a wierdo or what?! But I just wanted to let everyone know about the great progress we are making. I am currently a little past 28 weeks and counting! Wish us luck!! I've set little goals for myself: the first was to get here, the next is to get past when I went on bedrest with Easton, the next will be Valentines Day, and the one after that is to make it to my next Dr. appt. on the 19th. Just a few days at a time and hopefully we'll get there!