We enjoyed helping the boys carve thier pumpkins this year, but neither one of them was the least bit interested in touching the pumpkin guts (they get that from thier father). The boys were so excited about thier costumes, and have asked to try them on daily and for anyone new who comes over to the house. Easton was "Captain Hook" and Luke was "Peter Pan" although some have confused him as Robin Hood, oh well. My mom and I had a good trade: I substituted for her class, and she sewed the costumes all day. She did a great job, because Luke won 1st prize at the ward Trunk or Treat party.
Luke was hilarious at the Trunk or Treat. I have never seen a kid more excited about getting candy! He sprinted from one car to the next, running right up to the candy-giver and screaming at the top of his lungs "TRICK OR TREAT" or "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" or "I'M PETER PAN!" We kept have to reign him back in because he was so excited, he had no idea where to go next and was just running frantically through the parking lot.
Easton of course, was his usual timid self, and would not let go of my hand if his life depended on it. I had to push him forward a few times so he could retrieve his candy.
And of course Max, just enjoyed the scenery and got honorable mentions for the costume contest, when everyone in front was yelling "give something to the Tootsie Roll, he's so cute!"
We had a great time, and mom and dad have been enjoying all of the delicious Halloween treats that thier kids brought home for them.