Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birthday part 2

Here are some fun pictures of Max on his birthday. He didn't have as much fun as his brothers did, but he definitely enjoyed the cake. A present for Max, in this family, is a present for all.

Max's official stats:
Height: 30 inches (58%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 11 oz. (16% - A far cry from 70% 6 months ago)
Head: 46 cm. (27% - my smallest by far)


janae said...

Max is so darling! I love how tan his skin looks. We are the same with the communal gifts thing. The kids don't really care if the toys are Enoch's presents. They are new toys, and therefore fair game. :)

ps. So this is a random question, and completely unrelated to your post, but do you have a cousin named Jessica Lynn Toolson? I think her dad's name is Thomas. My parents got a wedding invite today from a friend whose son is getting married, and that girl is the bride.

ugh what said...

ur boys are just too cute!!