Sunday, July 25, 2010

All day long!

This is what we were up to all day Saturday. Earlier this week we had set the posts, and then put up the fence boards, but we finished it on Saturday. We started by about 9am and kept going until lunch time. We took a 90 minute break for lunch and put the kids down for naps, and then went right back at it until 3pm. We came inside to escape the 100 degree weather beat-down, ate dinner, put the kids to bed, and then finished the rest of it by 9pm. We just need to saw the boards now where the gate goes, build the gate, and put it up. Then my kids will be locked in, and we won't find Max wandering in the middle of the road anymore!
p.s. How do you like our dead sod that we swiped and are trying to revive?


Dad Toolson said...

Hey guys that looks great. I bet it was hot for sure. The sod will come back with lots of water. Well done

janae said...

Fences are a mom's BEST FRIEND. Seriously. Sending my kids to back yard is my favorite. Woohoo for you!

The Oylers said...

Looks good. I am so jealous...we definately need to put in a fence next summer...I wish we could right now. You are going to love that.